The Elucidation On The Question; Is The Bible True

By Tracie Knight

The vast population in the world often tend to ask the origin of universe and the justification of sources that tries to explain the same. The scientific sources to the historical myths have both got some shortcomings that are beyond their explanation, questioning your pastor, political leaders on validity of the Bible can sometimes cause a harsh retaliation. The question; is the Bible True, always never gets a satisfactory answer.

The truth in the bible is of adamant reasoning to the worth of words written to be true works and records of historic happenings that were inspired by the Supreme Being. The quasi reasoning forms of statements are not able to satisfactorily settle the human mind that we evolved, and not created. This is because the species they state to have been evolved from; that is the apes, are still apes and no change is seen to be occurring on such.

The special form of human ability to think, modify his environment and invent his machines to aid in his survival is God given and some sort of blessings as stated in the Holy Scriptures. When holy book touches through the Garden of Eden to Adam and Eve, narration of occurrences and the curse on man to labor in such for food and his survival, are evidence on the supreme nature of God that He never devastates to back down on.

The historic people quoted in the Holy writings, were good examples on existence of God and His adamant gracious love for the human being. The book of John4:16 is one of the common verse of Christians that clearly shows this love. Though at times some of these people like David and Jonah disobeyed God by committing sins always repent and come back to Him, and because of His love, He always accepts them back.

The predictions on coming of the Son of God in the book of Isaiah were hundreds of years old, before the coming of the Savior whom help saved the mankind; and restore the relation of God and man. This is on the book of John 4:16. The old testaments had over 250 prophecies that Jesus Himself full filled on His 33 years here on Earth.

Some prophecies written in the book of Revelation on; the earthquakes, the depreciation of world economy, hunger, war and mass massacre across the world were all predicted; that future is now and the happenings we clearly see around us. Though some predictions have not yet happened, but surely they will come to pass.

Most advocates and non-believers have a tendency to query the bible, this feature form of account is also detailed in the Holy Scripture, further, it is foreseen that men resolve enquiry on relevancy of Holy Scriptures; and confidently this is a divination that has come to reality and displays the end of world, as stated in the scriptures.

Of the most important idea to take into consideration in order to understand the holy bible is to have a strong belief and faith on literature. When it comes to religion, most people always know the truth but always does the opposite.

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