Political Correctness And Non-Partisan Political Information Does Not Mix

By Nora Jennings

People need facts to become informed about any issue. If there are no facts to bring to bear, or no one is willing to give them the facts that are available, bad decisions are made. It is very telling that some who have, or have access to, the facts do not share them. This is not non-partisan political information but talking points created out of, much too often, whole cloth.

Since facts should be at the bottom of any information that is useful for policy decisions, it should follow that these will be valued above all else. This is not the case as the politicians want people to believe that person is the truthful one and the opposition party can not be believed. The statements, often written by people who only present a biased look at things, are the order of the day.

The dominant media are not much help in the search for non partisan data. They will have a tendency to simply repeat the talking heads from their party and this is rarely the complete story. The political correctness they exhibit gets in the way of reporting objectively about most issues. This is because the right words can not be used and the ideas can be uttered that makes it possible for non partisan data.

When watching a debate, one would think that there would be an exchange of facts. That is not usually the case as talking points make for an emotional answer that drowns out the facts. Moderators helping the party for which they vote, such as was last done in the presidential debate in 2012, will help see to it that emotionalism is more important that facts or valid data.

One of the many casualties of political correctness is communication and, with it gone, non partisanship is left by the wayside. Without being able to communicate, facts can not be heard and what passes for discussion is often simply yelling from one side and acquiescence from the other. The emotional outbursts are then taken as the message and these are very seldom based on facts.

The vast majority of presenters, be they politicians, the media or any of the designated representatives, do not, usually, want to present facts that do not agree with their position. Most people realize this and still want something factual to decide upon. They want to be able to trust their elected representatives, however, they are sometimes at a loss to figure out where to go.

Non partisan means that the facts are used and it is not tilted toward one side or the other, by the presenter. Finding this is difficult as the many websites that say they are right down the middle, rarely are. The need to be as politically correct as they have to be makes it hard to report objectively and still garner any respect from most politicians and major moves and shakers.

Getting to the heart of each matter, which is the facts that are relevant, must come from your own common core. Check out the media reports and look past the political correctness as it does not help you. Look at the emotional heart strings that are pulled and know that this is done because there are no facts with which to back them up. Understand that free people need to know who they can trust and on who it is misplaced.

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