10 Easy Steps For Sex When You Travel

By Jonny Blair

Travel and sex go hand in hand and there are some easy ways to get laid on your travels. Whether it s a nude street encounter, a bit of casual fun or a relationship you're after, here's a few of my tips. Stay safe by wearing a condom (and this is written from a guy's point of view by the way)

1. Sleep in mixed dorms

Mixed dorms are the best place to sleep for meeting girls. Shy girls will stay in all female dorms so you'll be able to interact a lot easier - take them out on the town to sightsee and drink. You'll be sleeping in the same room as them that night, maybe you might get lucky and make it the same bed ;-)

Advice - buy her a few drinks, carry condoms and don't waken the others!

2. Chat to the staff at the hostel.

The staff in the hostel are often too busy with their lives to have sex or even mingle with foreigners. Break the mould - talk to the female staff, ask them out, and give them a nice send off before you board a dodgy bus to another city...

My advice - go out the back of the hostel and get it on ;-)

3. Drink in local bars.

Bars attract people that are sociable and outgoing. Local girls like a bit of variety, they'll want to meet foreigners and strangers. So prop up beside them, buy them a cocktail of their choice, listen to their life story and invite them back to the hostel for a 'nightcap'. Also chat away to the bar staff - I've done bar work countless times and know how it works. Staff shag each other, customers root the staff, one night stands etc.

My advice - get talking to the locals but try not to reveal too much about yourself!

4. Go on tours with fellow travellers!

On a group tour you will meet loads of people, I met this group on the Inca Trail!

Bonding by day with fellow travellers, bonking by night. Easy!

My advice - get booked on tours with other travellers, get talking to them then drink and ****

5. Red Light Districts!

Lots of these about and you have to pay for them of course but negotiate a price and get it on if that's what you want. No shame in it given that both parties gain out of it.

My advice - Be Cautious - these can be dodgy. ALWAYS wear a condom.

6. Go Clubbing!

Pub crawls, nights out etc. are a greet way to meet people on your travels. It could be more than a cocktail straw being sucked!

What's my advice - party by all means but also take care of your liver.

7. Don't be choosy!

Don't be picky or choosy - all people have a place on this planet and you might just find that girl from a different background or who wears a stupid pink hat could be the one for you. Variety is the spice of life!

What's my advice - quit being choosy - chat to the girls normally not your 'type' and you'll be in for a surprise.

8. Take your clothes off!

I'm not saying make this a habit but once in a while take your clothes off! How funny is it walking into a hostel toilet to see a dude with his full kit off and the todger wangling about!

Advice - don't by shy about showing your bits to others!

9. Fu*k your travel buddy! If you're travelling around with a girl and it's just the two of you. Sooner or later there might be a moment you have to get changed together, squeeze onto a bus together, dance together, support each other, hug. These things can always lead to wandering hands and a bit of pleasure. Better still as you already know them. Often known as friends with benefits or special friends.

When you travel with a girl and you know each other well - these things happen. You'll already have shared showers, buses, beds and tours. It's about time you became "friends with benefits".

This should really be number one, but if I put it at number one you wouldn't bother reading the rest. The easiest way to have sex when you travel is to bring your girlfriend, partner or wife! You're in love and that's all that matters. Love is the greatest thing we have. Number 10 is my favourite one by the way, having tried almost all of the others!

10. Go travelling with your other half.

Of course! This is the best and most lovey dovey way to get sex on your travels - you love her, travel with her and sleep with her! This is really the number one way ;-)

My advice - love her and see the world with her!

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