The Jerald Sulky Company And Its Quality Carts

By Dominique Martin

Sulkies are light two-wheeled carts in which a single driver sits behind the horse. These carts became popular in the United States before the American Revolution as way to get quickly from one place to another. They were fairly light in weight and easy on the horse, so they were particularly popular with tradesmen, doctors, and others who needed to travel some distance during the day. The Jerald Sulky Company began making sulkies as early as 1890 and they are still making them today.

The heavy contraptions of the past had huge wooden wheels and the driver was seated up high. When pneumatic tires were invented, this all changed and sulkies became much lighter. They were more aerodynamic and so their speed increased. The design continued to improve over the years and these vehicles came to be used more for harness racing than transportation.

Today there are only six manufacturers of sulkies in the United States. One of them is the company founded by Samuel Sulky. His first cart was designed at the request of a friend and when this design caught on, he was able to go into full time production. He moved to Waterloo in 1898 and set up a small factory.

Many years later this company is continuing to produce vehicles that are safe, high performance and beautiful to look at. Many different types of carts are available for purchase online. On the website, images of vehicles and all their specifications can be viewed. Miniature show vehicles, pony and horse show carts, training and racing ones as well as runabouts are available.

Customers are given certain customization options such as selection of shaft length. They can also choose whether the undercarriage is painted or deluxe chrome is used. Customers are charged extra for some of these options due to the cost of the material.

Customers are able to select the colors used for the carts they purchase. This can be maroon, cobalt blue, dark green or a wood look like Honey Oak, Mahogany and Walnut. They can also choose the color of the pinstripes and covers. The fabric used for the cushions can also be chosen and velvet, vinyl and corduroy are the options available.

On the website where these items are sold, it is possible to sort items according to price. For example, the mini roadster is the least expensive of the miniature show vehicles and the Devan Mini Viceroy is the top of the range. Prices also vary according to materials used such as use of deluxe chrome for the undercarriage instead of paint.

All manner of accessories are also available for purchase on the website. Whip sockets, dashes and aprons, shaft stops, stirrups, cushions, baskets and boots are just some of these. It is even possible to purchase products for caring for a cart such as one that seals and protects polished metals.

This company has had many years of experience in developing, designing and producing sulkies. This extensive experience helps in the production of high quality, top performance vehicles. Any repair of vehicles is also made easy as the company website offers the opportunity to purchase spare parts.

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