In today's information age a web page is as standard as a business card. Look up any business , product, service, brand, etc. Everything has a internet site. If you're searching for tips about how to get sponsored in order to get discounts and free parts for your race car you should most definitely plan to have one to promote your racing efforts. And it should look professional. Fortunately, it's not as tough as you may think. If you have some basic computer skills and are knowledgeable about using the internet, you should be able to launch a basic website - a blog site is the ideal option for this.
What should your blog consist of? You're essentially building a portfolio site for your racing efforts to share with the world - an audience that you're going to accumulate over time. Prospective sponsors will browse your blog to get a feeling for whether they see value in sponsoring your car. When they view your site they should find articles in the form of blog entries, pics from the build and/or events you have been competing in, an "about us" page which talks about your racing plans and accomplishments, a "contact us" page, and lastly, a page displaying your current sponsor logos with links pointing to their websites.
The most effective and best approach to build a professional looking blog is to sign up for a website hosting service that features Wordpress hosting and domain name registration together. Wordpress is considered the most widely used blogging platform in the world. You shouldn't be spending more than $8 per month for a blog site. A number of hosting companies make it very simple to setup a Wordpress blogging site too - some in less than 5 minutes. And that means you can have a basic website up with photos and some event blog posts in no time at all.
Do you have a friend who claims to design websites in their spare time? That's not always the best route to take. One of the best things about Wordpress is that you can easily set up an entire website and modify the look of your blog with just a few clicks. No web design or programming experience is required. All you have to do is read through the Wordpress Codex to become familiar with the administration of your Wordpress blog .
If your goal is to get anything significant out of a sponsorship deal - like free parts, cash to cover expenses, etc, then you will absolutely need to have a blog. Sponsors will want to see that you're committed and invested in your racing effort. Having a blog will show them that you're savvy enough to represent yourself online and that you're serious about building a following. With a little time and effort you can make yourself a viable candidate for sponsorship too. What are you waiting for, get to work!
What should your blog consist of? You're essentially building a portfolio site for your racing efforts to share with the world - an audience that you're going to accumulate over time. Prospective sponsors will browse your blog to get a feeling for whether they see value in sponsoring your car. When they view your site they should find articles in the form of blog entries, pics from the build and/or events you have been competing in, an "about us" page which talks about your racing plans and accomplishments, a "contact us" page, and lastly, a page displaying your current sponsor logos with links pointing to their websites.
The most effective and best approach to build a professional looking blog is to sign up for a website hosting service that features Wordpress hosting and domain name registration together. Wordpress is considered the most widely used blogging platform in the world. You shouldn't be spending more than $8 per month for a blog site. A number of hosting companies make it very simple to setup a Wordpress blogging site too - some in less than 5 minutes. And that means you can have a basic website up with photos and some event blog posts in no time at all.
Do you have a friend who claims to design websites in their spare time? That's not always the best route to take. One of the best things about Wordpress is that you can easily set up an entire website and modify the look of your blog with just a few clicks. No web design or programming experience is required. All you have to do is read through the Wordpress Codex to become familiar with the administration of your Wordpress blog .
If your goal is to get anything significant out of a sponsorship deal - like free parts, cash to cover expenses, etc, then you will absolutely need to have a blog. Sponsors will want to see that you're committed and invested in your racing effort. Having a blog will show them that you're savvy enough to represent yourself online and that you're serious about building a following. With a little time and effort you can make yourself a viable candidate for sponsorship too. What are you waiting for, get to work!
About the Author:
If you're looking for in-depth information on how to use the web to obtain vehicle sponsors, as well as tutorials to help set up a blog, visit and browse through some great tutorials.
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