Why Asian Men Need To Look Sharp To Get Laid In Japan

By Kaku Nanashi

Due to a lack of energy from the brutal Winter months, for the initial couple of weeks of Spring, I was uncharacteristically slacking on the upkeep of my looks. I figured that I looked good enough to suffice for my romantic goals. I was acquiring tail and I still looked much better compared to most of my competitors. What could go wrong?

The quantity of ladies I brought back was normal, however, the quality of lady I was taking back was a bit lower than my average. The quantity of initiative I needed to exert was likewise above normal. This drop in efficiency was not exceptionally severe, but noticeably so. Lately, I've redoubled my efforts to look fresh every time I march on the town and the change has actually been equally noticeable. I've been acquiring more eye bangs with more girls and they are much more receptive when I make my move.

The gains I made weren't huge, but I could definitely feel them. I initially wrote it off as just another case of "look good, don't look bad", but a peculiar hypothesis dawned upon me one day as I was ogling girls on the street with some friends.

We were talking about the best ways to distinguish the freaks from the prudes based upon look. Large bracelets and earrings means she's frisky. A t-shirt underneath a camisole means never mind. A deep tan means a easy 'tang. Floppy hat and long sleeves equals pass. Weird fashion plus no make-up indicates Chinese, which equates to garlic breath and a firm no thank you.

One member of our group that day was a Unite States Air Force officer and Japan newbie whose only input into the discussion was, "Damn, anything in a short skirt looks like slam piece to me." Our level of detail was clearly lost on him.

Our newbie friend's inability to see what we were seeing made me realize that Japanese women likely have a similar sorting system for Japanese men and a similar lack of a sorting system for foreign men. It is a natural result of being surrounded by and interacting with Japanese men for the entirety of their formative years. By the time they graduate and enter the workforce/adult dating market, this sorting skill is so well practiced as to be sub conscious and automatic.

It bears repeating that the ability to sort Japanese men according to their desirability is not an active process. It occurs on the subconscious level, much like a flinch. Soccer players, after practicing for years on end, no longer have to actively think about the process of dribbling; it just happens as they move.

If you look anything like a Japanese bachelor, you need to look your best to avoid getting caught in Japanese girls' sexual filters. Other foreigners have significantly more slack since the specifics of their looks and behavior will not be as readily identified. But, from personal observation, the magnitude of this effect is will not overcome any major deficiencies in fashion, fitness, or grooming. Obvious foreigners still need to be presentable; the days where any old nerd could fly over to Japan and get laid like tile are mostly over.

Bear in mind is that this sorting process can work to the Asian man's advantage. If he lands on the favorable side of it, he can have a great deal of success with less hassle and with even more girls compared to his western counterpart. If he doesn't, he's in for some harsh times ahead.

The bottom line: If you're an Asian guy looking for love in Japan, make sure your look is fresh and your fitness is top notch.

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