Are Prophecy Facts Fact Or Fiction

By Barbara Martin

Facts are statements that cannot be denied. An opinion is subjective, but a fact is concrete. A prophecy is usually considered to be a prediction, a statement that will come true at a later date - if the prophetic word is a real one. Can there be 'prophecy facts'?

The Bible tells us that a prophecy is real if it comes true. In later scripture, Paul writes of prophecy as a gift from the Holy Spirit and calls it a word that will encourage the church, giving it a meaning that is apart from prediction. In the church today, some believe that this gift is active. Others argue that it is no longer valid, having died out with the apostles.

Bible scholars point to passages in the bible that are fulfilled as time goes on. Isaiah, one of the greatest biblical prophets, wrote some accurate details of the crucifixion - 400 years before the event. He wrote of 'the one who was pierced for our transgressions.' He also wrote that not one of the Lord's bones would be broken. David says that the holy one would not see decay. These could be considered biblical facts.

There are times in the gospels when Jesus does something that fulfills the words of the prophets. In this case, the prophecy is fulfilled by intention, as when the lord accepts a drink on the cross. During the same event, the Roman soldiers cast lots for Jesus's clothing, fulfilling another prediction without the Lord's participation.

There are many prophetic books of the Bible, including the minor prophets at the end of the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. These writings tell plainly of things to come. However, by scripture's own direction, we won't be able to evaluate them until they come to pass.

In some denominations, prophecy is actively practiced and sought. Other groups feel that this direct, audible communication with God is not for today. This is more a matter of personal belief than anything that can be proved.

Many biblical prophecies that have actually occurred are used by apologists to confirm Jesus as the promised Messiah. He was born in Bethlehem, even though this was unlikely since Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth. His birth was acknowledged to be miraculous by two aged prophets in the Temple. He was baptized by John in the Jordan River, as John had been told would happen. There are over one hundred of these fulfilled predictions.

As any comparative survey of history shows, it's hard to 'keep to the facts.' In the case of Christianity, it's not even desirable to do so, because those who believe in things unseen are blessed. However, it is true that there are many things in the ancient texts that the life and ministry of Jesus conforms to. Perhaps people need to make up their own minds according about evidence and enlightenment.

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