Examining The Benefits Of Love Addiction Therapy

By Catherine Smith

When it comes to romantic relationships, there are those which lead to marriage, those which lead to divorce and those which many wish never would have happened in the first place. As such, love addiction therapy is now available for those which can not break free from the bonds of a past, or unrequited love.

While there remains a great deal of controversy in relation to love and sex addiction therapy, there are those whom have experienced the condition, gone through therapy and can now recognize the difference between these type attractions. While this can often be difficult for some people to admit, going through therapy can greatly benefit an individual with regards to future romantic interests and relationships.

While this is the case, the definition when it comes to being addicted to love also includes having a compulsive nature which always require one to be in some type romantic relationship. In some cases, those addicted to love often stay in abusive relationships in fear of being alone. For, feeling alone and isolated when outside a relationship is one of the biggest signs of addiction when it comes to love.

Suggested symptoms include mistaking sexual attraction for romantic interest. In addition, individuals who always feel alone, desperate and inadequate when not in a relationship may be exhibiting signs. Individuals having a constant presence on dating websites and chat-lines can also be indicative of this type addiction. Whereas, anyone who always falls in love at first sight, on a first date, online or over the phone can also be exhibiting signs.

While still controversial, there are now therapies which can help both type addicts overcome these urges. Some of these therapies include learning how to set and maintain boundaries when it comes sex. Whereas, others focus on learning how to achieve legitimate intimacy and build healthy relationships over time.

These addicts often need to be cautious of becoming involved with sex addicts. While it can often be difficult to know if someone is a sex addict or otherwise, there are often signs. For example, when meeting someone new, if the individual attempts to make a move, is rejected and yet continues to do so, this person may very well be a sex addict.

When it comes to heartbreak, both have caused much pain in this area. For, whether one is the addict or partner, there is often disappointment when a relationship ends. Whether that be a long-term marriage or a casual dating relationship, there is often one person whom experiences more pain than the other.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to determine whether or not one is interested in a long-term relationship. Individuals going through a dating process need to clarify any intentions one has towards a commitment or long-term relationship as early on in the process as possible. For, while dating can be fun, falling in love only to discover it is a one sided love can often be more destructive than most people realize.

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