Signs Of A Faulty Transmission With An Auto Repair In Lincoln Park

By Erik Heidrick

The transmission in your vehicle is critical for its operation, yet it is also one of the most complicated parts of any car. This is why it is important to be aware of the common signs of a faulty transmission that indicate a need for auto repair. As you inspect your vehicle and drive it, stay alert for these warning signs that it is time to have your car's transmission checked.

One very obvious sign that you're having problems with your transmission is a fluid leak. This is going to be a red-orange hue and because the entire system is closed, this fluid shouldn't ever get very low. When you do find your transmission fluid getting low, then you probably have an undetected leak. It could be that you have a puddle that's starting to build right in your driveway. There are countless reasons why transmission fluid can start to leak and these include lines that are disconnected and gaskets that are worn, but correcting these things is always necessary for putting the leak to a stop and making sure that the transmission continues to run.

Modern technology is making it a whole lot easier to identify transmission issues given that warning lights often come on once the transmission heats up. When this does occur, you can check your coolant and your transmission fluid to ensure that there is enough of both of these things to keep the car running optimally. If the fluid levels check out, then it is probably time to visit an auto repair service to learn more about why the warning light has just turned on.

Faulty transmissions will not be able to function like they should. This is why your car is hesitating every time you shift into another gear. When people have manual transmissions, this is something that will happen every time the car is shifted into a different gear.

With an automatic transmission, your car may refuse to move out of park, or you could struggle with getting it to go into reverse. Your transmission may also make odd noises that signal trouble such as screeching when you attempt to change gears.

Taking good care of the transmission in your car is vital for keeping it in good working order and you don't ever want to get stranded by a transmission that's faulty. Be sure to stay on top of your auto maintenance and bring your car into an auto shop whenever any of these signs crop up so that you can have the problem addressed.

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