A Few Tips On How To Deal With Unwanted Emotions Using The WWJD Technic

By Pamela Nelson

Emotions are alive when people go through difficult times in their lives. It becomes more relevant and more powerful. However, there are many people who are unsure of how to control what they are feeling applying the wwjd principle. And because of this, can cause more damage than good.

Responding to situations as it happens can sometimes result in you feeling differently when the tension has lessened. A good recommendation would be to break down the situation in your mind so that you can properly understand and react accordingly. At the moment it is easy to forget about details and assume the bigger picture is the only answer. Because of this, bad decisions are made.

If you have reacted badly or in a form of an outburst, speak to someone that you trust. This way, you are not keeping it bottled up and you can let it out to someone that cares. This person will give you an outside and fair opinion about the situation. Although their opinion may either make you feel worse or better, it will definitely impact how you react the next time.

Make sure that if you have been through an uncomfortable situation, you try to lessen the number of negative thoughts that are running through your mind. Keeping in bad thoughts can make you feel bitter all the time and you could always reference that incident every time something else goes wrong. Never hold a grudge. It is best to let it out and start to heal with positivity.

A downfall of your mental health is to block out how you feel about something. Bottling up what you are actually feeling can result in you feeling worse over time and when it forcefully comes out, it can sound worse than what is actually is or you can say something you didn t mean.

Whilst in anger, you may slip up and share details of certain things that can affect friendships and relationships with loved ones. You may also be quick to play the blame game because of all the adrenaline that is pumping through your body. Don t lose people that are close to you because of how you felt in one moment. Try to control the words that come out of your mouth.

A good way to burn off the feeling of being upset or angry is to exercise. There are many people who use this technique. They rather walk away from a confrontation and take out their anger on a punching bag. This way, they are still releasing how they feel instead of holding it in. There are also other options if you can t seem to get in control by yourself such as anger management classes where they teach you these tricks.

Change of behavior can make a good difference in your life. Learning how to cope so that you can see that difference is important and by using these few tips, you can learn much faster.

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