Top 3 Precautionary Tips To Consider With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

By Robert Sutter

To say that there is a level of care to consider with extra virgin olive oil would be an understatement. Many people know of the extent of this product, both in terms of culinary processes or otherwise. However, there is still a certain level of care that should be taken as far as this item is concerned. What exactly does this mean, though, you may wonder? In order to care for this product so that it can last for a long time, make note of these 3 precautionary tips for the future.

The first "enemy" of sorts to consider, when it comes to extra virgin olive oil, is light. Do you know why most oil bottles are dark as opposed to clear? This particular hue is able to better filter out sunlight, according to authorities along the lines of Unaprol, which means that you should keep an eye out for this sort of packaging over any other. Without it, the oil's natural antioxidant content will be stripped away, rendering the product utterly worthless for culinary reasons.

Heat is another critical aspect that can play into the healthiness of your product overall. It's very much the same situation as light, at least in certain regards, since too much heat can take away the nutritional properties commonly associated with extra virgin olive oil. When it comes to this aspect, it is important to note that there are certain smoke points to take into account. Make sure that the product isn't heated above said points and it will remain, for the most part, healthy.

Finally, oxygen can hinder this product, which is why exposure must be kept to a minimum. It's unreasonable to say that extra virgin olive oil won't come into contact with it at all, seeing as how it must be used at one point or another. However, you must limit the amount of time that the bottle of oil is kept open so that it will remain healthy. Once you are done with a particular culinary or cosmetic endeavor related to this oil, close the bottle up tightly and store it in a dark, cool location once more.

With so many people who are fans of this product, it's clear that they also understand how to care for it. They want to make sure that it lasts a long time and the best way to go about this is to consider the various ways in which the elements can be contended with. As you can see, anything from environmental appearances to the presence of oxygen can have their own individual impacts. Once you understand how to contend with them, though, your product will prove to be better.

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