Living Out Your Calling As A Prophetic Minister

By Kakey Nasy

As I sit back and remember my childhood, I can always remember feeling different. Something inside of me wanted to become something great. I always had a spiritual side even before becoming a born again Christian. I can honestly say that my parents had no influence over my religious beliefs.

My prophetic ministry began when I was around 31 years old. I developed a prophetic love for people that were in need of my services. I realized early on in the game that most people call upon prophets to tell them about their romantic and financial lives. People often have a personal reason for connecting with a spiritual minister.

It is important to realize that people in general want information. They want to know why something is happening in their life. As a prophetic minister, it is your duty to give them a reading on a topic. It is hard to be accurate in what you are seeing all of the time. However, it is necessary to be as accurate as you possibly can.

I realize that I had a special prophetic gift when I was around 16. At that point in my life, I began giving people that I knew recorded tapes of prophecy that I received for them. I began a cassette tape prophetic ministry because I felt called to help people this way.

Many prophets today are hurting because people often call about the same thing. People often want to know why someone that they care about is trying to avoid them. People often want to know more about love than any other topic in the world. When Edgar Cayce was alive, most people wanted to know more about their health and if someone had died in a war.

Being a prophet in the 21st century is draining and often exhausting. Most of the people that you read for are not at all spiritual. They live lives of lies and deception. They often want to be involved romantically with someone that doesn't want them. These are people from all walks of life.

I always knew that I wanted to be in the ministry. I tried different aspects to Include: pastoral, evangelism and senior citizen ministries. None of those seemed to fulfill me like prophecy did. I knew inside of my heart that this is what God had in store for me.

A person's faith in God does matter a great deal in reference to prophecy. If you believe and trust in spirit, you will see that there is a higher purpose for you. Many prophetic readings bring out the best in people. People are often shocked to learn that God has a special place in his heart for them.

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